Select | Description |
Lot 1
€ 15,000 -
A FINE PAIR OF RUSSIAN ICONS OF THE ANNUNCIATION, CIRCA 1600. This pair of icons constitute the upper section of a pair of Royal Doors or Tsar Doors (Tsarskiye Dveri), so called because the passage of the sacraments, the King of Glory, through them during the liturgy. They are situated at floor level in the center of the iconostasis. They are most often painted with the four Evangelists and at the top with the Annunciation, as in the offered lot. The BLAGOVYESHCHENIE (Annunciation of the Good News) depicts the Archangel Gabriel (left) announcing the coming birth of Christ to Mary. A fine and important set. 19.25 inches x 14.25 inches each (49 x 36cm).
Lot 2
€ 18,750 -
A RUSSIAN ICON OF THE MEETING OF THE LORD, SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY. The SRETENIE GOSPODNE depicts the infant Christ in the arms of the aged Simeon BOGOPRIYMETS (the 'God-Receiver' – see Luke 2:25-38), who met Christ at the Temple in Jerusalem when he was brought there by Joseph and Mary to be presented to the Lord. At center is Mary, the Mother of Jesus. On the right Simeon holds the infant Christ. Behind the Virgin the Prophetess Anna followed by Joseph who holds a cage with sacrificial doves. The size and shape of the panel suggests the the offer lot was likely once positioned on the Festival Tier of an iconostasis in a small chapel. The 'Meeting of the Lord' is a major Church Feast Day celebrated on February 2 (Old Style) February 15 (New Style). 16.5 inches x 14.75 inches (42 x 38 cm).
Lot 3
€ 11,250 -
A LARGE RUSSIAN ICON OF THE APOSTLE SIMON, 17TH CENTURY. This icon is typical of many examples known to have been produced in the Kostroma/Pereslavl-Zalesky region near Moscow. Here the Apostle is depicted facing inward towards Christ, suggesting this icon was from the left side of the Deisis row of an iconostasis. The fact that the borders are not raised would indicate it was held in an iconostasis with deeply carved receptacle-type framing. While the basic composition conforms to the traditional 'old' style of icon painting, there are subtle details, such as tear ducts, and calligraphy style, which place it in the post-Nikon category. The scroll signifies Simon is a teacher of the church. The abbreviated inscription in Old Church Slavonic reads 'The Apostle Simon'. 44.25 inches x 21 inches (112.5 x 53.5 cm).
Lot 4
€ 1,500 -
A FINE RUSSIAN ICON OF THE KURSKAYA KORENNAYA MOTHER OF GOD, 18TH CENTURY. At the center of the icon is an image of the Sign (Znamenie) Mother of God. The head of the Virgin is flanked with Greek abbreviated inscriptions identifying Her as MP OY (Meter Theou) or the Mother of God. Flanking the head of the infant Christ upon her chest within a circular mandrola are the Greek inscriptions IC XC identifying the infant as Isus Kristos- Jesus Christ. The central 'Sign' image is surrounded by nine Old Testament Prophets depicted amongst blooming and scrolling foliage and holding in their hands opens scrolls with Old Testament texts prefiguring the Mother of God. They are identified by corresponding inscriptions in Old Church Salvonic being clockwise from upper left, King David, King Solomon, Daniel, Jeremiah, Elijah, Avvakum, Gideon, Isaiah, and Moses. At top center an empty cloud-form exhibits the faint outlines of a painted over image of God the Father which is typically found in this location on icons of this subject including the prototype. It is fair to assume the image was painted over at the request of a pious believer who was conflicted with the theological dilemma of depicting someone who has never been seen-namely God the Father. Indeed painting God the Father in the form of a man was condemned by the Seventh Ecumenical Council and forbidden by the Council of Moscow in 1666. There are many well known stories in which church hierarchs visiting various cathedrals, churches and monasteries ordered that icons depicting God the Father be removed. Nevertheless, the popularity of depicting God the Father on icons never ceased perhaps partially due to the image of the Ancient of Days as written about in the book of Daniel (7:9). The original (13th century) miracle working icon of the Kurskaya Mother of God or 'Kursk Root' icon, was rescued from the Soviets in 1920, eventually making its way to America where it now resides in the main cathedral dedicated to it in the Synod of Bishops in New York. 12.5 inches x 10.5 inches (31.5cm x 26.5cm).
Lot 5
€ 2,625 -
Lot 6
€ 4,500 -
A VERY FINE RUSSIAN ICON OF THE VLADIMIR MOTHER OF GOD, CIRCA 1600. A finely rendered icon of this famous Umilenie (Tenderness) Mother of God type, executed in the traditional style. The left and right borders displaying the three Hierarchs and Saint Nicholas. The background and margins overlaid with chased silver-gilt basma and with attached haloes. 12.3 inches x 9.75 inches (31.5 x 25 cm).
Lot 7
€ 5,250 -
A RUSSIAN ICON OF ST. NICHOLAS, 16TH CENTURY, SET INTO A LATER PANEL. A full length image of Nicholas, his right hand turned upward in a manner of prayer and in his left hand holding a book of Gospels. His inward turning posture suggests this icon is from the left side of the Deisis row in an iconostasis, probably from a small chapel. 21 inches x 8.25 inches (53 x 21.5 cm).
Lot 8
€ 15,000 -
A LARGE & IMPRESSIVE RUSSIAN ICON OF CHRIST ENTHRONED, CIRCA 1600. Christ sits majestically upon a throne, with His right hand He delivers a blessing and His left hand supports an open book of Gospels with what appears to be a modified inscription from John 7:24 combined with Matthew 7:2. His head flanked with the standard Greek abbreviation IC XC and with the Russian Slavonic title The Lord Almighty. Christ's garments with white highlighting and the throne heightened with chrysography. Most likely from the central position of the Deisis row within an iconostasis. 39.75 inches x 21.3 inches (101 x 54.5 cm).
Lot 9
€ 6,000 -
A LARGE AND IMPRESSIVE RUSSIAN ICON OF THE TIKHVIN MOTHER OF GOD, 18TH CENTURY. The upper corners display the standard abbreviated Greek title MP OY (Meter Theou) for the Mother of God. She bears a star upon each shoulder and on her head, signifying her perpetual virginity before, during and after the birth of Christ. Above the head of Christ the standard Greek abbreviated title ICXC - ISUS KHRISTOS. And the head of Christ with the distinctive cross-halo inscribed with the Greek words HO ON, meaning Who Is, as found in Revelation 1:8. Finely painted with great attention to detail and with an abundant use of chrysography. The large size of the offered icon would suggest that it was most likely once displayed on the local tier of an iconostasis within a church or chapel. 36.5 inches x 28.5 inches (92.7 x 72.4 cm).
Lot 10
€ 1,500 -
A RUSSIAN ICON OF THE DORMITION, MOSCOW. The Dormition depicts the death or 'Falling Asleep' of Mary. Tradition relates that when her death grew near, angels brought the apostles from different parts of the world. Christ is shown at center within a mandrola receiving His mother’s soul, represented as an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes. Above them a red six-winged Seraph. The Apostles stand around her and in this example an additional row of saints has been added. Below a fanatical Jewish priest (sometimes named Iefoniya or Athonios) stands before the bier on which Mary lies. Attempting to push it over, he has his hands cut off by a sword-wielding angel (he later repented and was healed). The story of the Dormition is based largely on a fourth or fifth century apocryphal work called 'The Discourse of Holy John the Theologian Regarding the Dormition of the Mother of God.' The Dormition is one of the twelve major church festivals and is celebrated on August 28th. The offered lot is clearly executed in the 16th century Novgorod style, a style which was resurrected in the 19th century. There is evidence to suggest that the central section of the offered icon is possibly of an earlier period and later set into a panel in the 19th century, a common practice used to extend the life of important icons. However it is also possible that the offered lot is simply a 19th century icon executed in an earlier style. The background craquluere and apparent seam or crevasse along the kovcheg would suggest an earlier dating. There is also evidence to suggest that the neutral background area and borders were once covered with decorative basma. The panel construction itself is also indefinite, exhibiting aspects of both earlier and later panel construction, although leaning towards later. The green borders and background are clearly of a later date than the original central section as is the inscription along the top border identifying the subject as the Dormition (USPENIE) of the Most Holy Mother of God. 12 inches x 10.25 inches (31cm x 26cm).
Lot 11
€ 750 -
A RUSSIAN ICON OF SAINT PARASKEVA, LATE 17TH CENTURY. Two descending angels place the martyrs crown upon the head of Paraskeva who holds a three bar cross and a scroll which is inscribed with the beginning words of the Nicean Creed, 'I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker…' The mint green colored background decorated with a pattern of gold leaf clouds and the upper border with a circular cartouche displaying Christ Emmanuel. The lengthy shoulder height inscription identifies her as, 'The Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa', and the panel constructed with a double kovcheg. 12.25 inches x 10.5 inches (31.5cm x 26.5cm).
Lot 12
€ 1,125 -
A RUSSIAN ICON OF ST. ANOUFRIY, 17TH CENTURY. Overlaid with a late 18th or 19th century gilded metal riza. 11.5 inches x 9.4 inches (29.5 x 24 cm).
Lot 13
€ 900 -
A FINE RUSSIAN ICON OF SELECTED SAINTS, MOSCOW, CIRCA 1780. Exquisitely painted with excellent detailing throughout, the lower margin depicting a gathering of ten saints. From left to right top to bottom they are, The Holy Martyr Aquilina (June 13th), The Holy Mary of Egypt (April 1st), The Holy Great Martyr Ekaterina (November 24th), The Holy Martyr Barbara (December 4th), The Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen (December 27th), The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29th), The Holy Peter Metropolitan of Moscow (December 21st), The Holy Alexi Metropolitan of Moscow (February 12th) and the Holy Tikhon Bishop and Wonderworker (June 16th). The upper margin exhibiting the following three images beginning from the left, The Annunciation, The Tenderness Mother of God, and the Beheading of John the Forerunner. The faces of each figure finely painted and the vestments with bullion embroidered detail, faux jewels and gilt highlights. The border rendered in mint green. The entire image overlaid with a heavy silver plated repousse metal riza with applied gilded metal haloes. 14 inches x 10.75 inches (35.5cm x 27.5cm).
Lot 14
€ 1,125 -
A RUSSIAN ICON OF SELECTED SAINTS, 18TH CENTURY. Along the upper margin are three images of wonder-working icons of the Mother of God. From the left they are the Tikhvinskaya, the Joy to All who Sorrow and the Feodorvskaya. Below is a gathering of six saints. On the far left the Venerable Mikhail the Bishop St. Basil and St. John the Forerunner (Baptist). On the right, the Venerable Prince Theodore of Smolensk and Yaroslav, together with his sons Sts. David and Constantine. The borders with silver-gilt repousse basma and some of the figures with applied silver-gilt haloes and seed pearl riza. One halo dated 175? and hallmarked Moscow. 12.5 inches x 10.75 inches (31.5cm x 27.5cm).
Lot 15
€ 600 -
A RUSSIAN ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD JOY TO ALL WHO SUFFER, YAROSLAVL, 18TH CENTURY. Here the Mother of God stands at center holding a scepter and her other hand outstretched. Suffering humans are gathered on both sides with angels among them. They hold scrolls with petitions. 'Oh Most Holy Lady…you are the help of the injured, feeder of the hungry, clother of the naked…' Close inspection reveals the gathered are injured (denoted by those carrying a crutch), the hungry having bread distributed to them by angels, and the naked. The upper margin with an image of Christ the King holding an open book of Gospels which begins, 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden…' (Matthew 11:28). The subject is identified by the condensed and abbreviated inscription along the top border which reads OBRAZ VSEM SKORBYASHCIM RADOST. Painted on an unusually thick panel measuring 1.5 inches (3.5cm), overall 13 inches x 10.5 inches (33cm x 27cm).
Lot 16
€ 600 -
A RUSSIAN ICON OF SAINT KATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA WITH LIFE SCENES, 18TH CENTURY. At center a full length image of Katherine who is turned towards Christ delivering a blessing from the upper left corner. In the background are various scenes from her life including her being strapped to the wheel (lower left) which legend says broke, and therefore she was beheaded (lower right). She is venerated both in the East and West and according to some accounts, Katherine spoke to Joan of Arc who, along with Saint Margaret, were divinely appointed to be her advisors. In this image she is identified by the inscription at top as The Holy Great Martyr Ekaterina (Katherine). 11.5 inches x 10 inches (29 x 25.5cm).
Lot 17
€ 900 -
A RUSSIAN ICON OF THE EXTENDED DIESIS, YAROSLAVL SCHOOL, CIRCA 1775. Christ seated at center, flanked by the Mother of God and John the Forerunner, directly behind them the Archangel Michael and Gabriel and further still along the top the Apostle Saint John, Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Andrew. Below at the feet of Christ, Saints Zosimas and Savatiy. 13.4 inches x 11 inches (34 x 28 cm).
Lot 18
€ 1,125 -
A RUSSIAN ICON OF THE DEISIS, 19TH CENTURY. The Greek word Deisis literally means 'entreaty' and is sometimes rendered as 'prayer' or 'intercession'. This was certainly the understanding of images depicting Christ enthroned at center flanked by the Virgin and John the Baptist from as early as the 12th or 13th century. However, the composition itself is much older and examples are known from as early as the 9th century. Some scholars suggest that in earlier times the meaning was not so much intercession as that of honoring Mary and St. John as the first witnesses of Christ’s divinity. The Deisis composition forms the apex of the icon screen known as the iconostasis. Icons such as the offered lot which depicts all three figures on a single panel although known from early times became increasingly popular in the 18th and 19th century, and were often displayed in one’s karsny ugol-beautiful corner. Scattered restorations and strengthening of highlights. 10.1 x 17.75 inches (25.5 x 45cm).
Lot 19
€ 6,000 -
A LARGE AND RARE RUSSIAN RELIEF CARVED CRUCIFIX, 18TH - 19TH CENTURY. The large and imposing panel relief carved with a cross-form at center flanked by a spear and reed with sponge. Further carved in relief with various abbreviated standard inscriptions related to the Crucifixion At top, TSAR SLAVUIY (King of Glory) and down further still IC XC (Isos Christos). Below the central cross beam NIKA, the Greek word meaning He (Jesus) Conquers. And at the base MLRB abbreviating MESTO LOBNOE RAY BUIST (The Place of the Skull Becomes Paradise). The background rendered in salmon and inscribed with florals and other standard Crucifixion related inscriptions, bordered in light blue and red. Refreshened in certain areas. 25.25 inches x 12 inches (64 x 30.5 cm).
Lot 20
€ 4,500 -
AN INTERESTING AND LARGE RUSSIAN ICON OF SAINT NICHOLAS WITH LIFE SCENES, CIRCA 1600-1625. At center is a half length image of Nicholas delivering a blessing and holding a book of Gospels. On either side of his head within medallions are standard images of Christ and the Mother of God. The central image is surrounded by eight similar size reserves each depicting a scene from the life of Nicholas and identified by corresponding gilt inscriptions. Read clockwise beginning at upper left the scenes are: The birth of Nicholas, the baptism of Nicholas, the healing of the blind woman, Nicholas learning his letters, Nicholas’ consecration as deacon, his consecration as Bishop, the saving of the drowning boy, and the death of Nicholas. The outside border inscribed with a prayer in Old Church Slavonic. 20.5 x 18.5 inches (52 x 48cm)